What Type of Increase in my Conversion Rate Can I Expect?

Case Study

The Shield filter directs over 92% of traffic to the final destination (generally OnlyFans) directly, with about 4% being bots and the remaining percentage consisting of unusual IPs or other filters representing "random people".

This results in a 100% click-through rate (CTR) for 92% of visitors, while the 4% redirected to the landing page (= safe page) might yield a 40-60% CTR. On average, let’s say 50% of these visitors click, resulting in about 2% of the 4% visitors.

In total, this means you’ll have around 94% (92% + 2%) of visitors landing on the OnlyFans page, significantly increasing your chances of conversion.

Note: If the OnlyFans link is included in the safe page.

However, while this may increase the overall number of visitors, it might slightly decrease your conversion rate since the quality of visitors may differ compared to those who arrive via a landing page that acts as a first filter. Still, you’ll likely end up with more subscribers overall.

Example with 2,000 visitors:

Landing Page (50% CTR): 1,000 visitors go to OnlyFans, resulting in 30 subscribers (= 3% conversion rate).

Direct Link (with Shield turned on): 2,000 visitors x 94% = 1,880 visitors to OnlyFans, resulting in 40 subscribers (= 2.13% conversion rate).

As you can see, while the conversion rate may be lower, the total number of subscribers will be higher. Tracking this data is challenging, which often leads to confusion regarding conversion rates.

Ultimately, you’ll want to measure how many subscribers you can gain daily over a week using both a landing page and a shield link. Keep in mind that the traffic quality will differ, making measurement more complicated. However, logically, the shield will certainly yield more subscribers!